Reach & Read – Book Reviews

Reach & Read – Childhood mnemonic poster for spelling libRaRy – Oh, how I long to find this.  My reviews aren’t meant to be a rehash of all the other book reviews out there.  I promise to not give away the end or warn you if I will, maybe share the hook and include a rambling [Think: wine tasting notes, adage, deep thoughts]. At this point, many of these are books of my own selection, but a few have sent to me by publishers or sellers and this is noted in the review. See About section for more details.

Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children  102213_0429_ReachandRea4.jpgParticular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender101913_2225_ReachReadZ1.jpgThe Giant's House A Romance by Elizabeth McCracken101913_2147_ReachReadT1.jpg081013_2125_ReachReadH1.jpg072113_1605_ReachReadT1.jpg070613_1745_ReachReadT1.pngCrazy Little Thing061813_0405_ReachandRea1.jpg061613_2031_ReachReadI1.jpg061813_0335_ReachReadC1.jpg060713_0359_ReachReadS1.jpg 051613_2353_ReachReadT1.jpg051913_1725_ReachReadB1.jpg051613_2353_ReachReadT1.jpg041913_0315_ReachReadT2.jpg052913_0227_ReachReadC1.jpg051913_1649_ReachReadM1.jpg050313_0409_ReachReadA1.jpgHalf-Broke-Horses-A-True-Life-Novel041913_0315_ReachReadT1.jpggraysonimageswe-the-animals41Rc-Q2ppjL._AA160_203506476883045499_N9rBb4Vj_bGlass Castle by Jeannette WallsBroken for You by Stephanie KallosTownieEscape from Camp 14: One Man's Remarkable Odyssey from North Korea to Freedom in the West: Harden, BlaineHow_I_Live_Now_cover200px-A_Day_No_Pigs_Would_Die111413_0359_ReachReach1.jpgIn the Time of ButterfliesThe Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks111413_0443_ReadandRead1.jpgWhen We were Strangers  122513_0002_ReachReadJ1.jpg    010414_2253_ReachReadA1.jpg 010414_2315_ReachReadT1.jpg secret life of bees021514_2125_ReachandRea1.jpg 2013 Books Re-cap 021614_2014_ReachReadT1.jpg 030714_0434_ReachReadT1.jpg 031914_0243_ReachReadW1.jpg  040214_0437_ReachReadB1.jpg 042714_1619_ReachReadC1.jpg the spirit catches you and you fall down 41aldsxljxl-_sx331_bo1204203200_  cover77779-medium cover84291-medium cover77781-medium cover91297-medium cover88198-medium cover91295-medium  cover90323-medium img_2092-2 9780399578205 51hsgbgr0cl-_sx390_bo1204203200_  61itrkhm3gl-_sx473_bo1204203200_

518airvwfpl-_sx365_bo1204203200_ superrawr-180x180

hungrybird-180x191 dim sum field guide book review

peopleofsecondchance creativitychallenge-180x270 pirasaurs-180x179 birdsarepeopletoo-180x193 SixDots-180x235.jpg sundownkidasouthwesternshabbat

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51IppxgpmVL._SX407_BO1,204,203,200_Awesome cookbook that captures authentic recipes and techniques. It is not watered down or simplified, however author does provide some guidance on ingredients etc. It will take me a bit to cook through everything and need to do more research on the sour meat techniques but a few of the simple snack recipes turned out on point. Add this book to your collection if you are serious about learning, eating, cooking Thai. A road trip to Pok Pok is also in the works.

4 thoughts on “Reach & Read – Book Reviews

  1. I very much appreciate your reviews and hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty to contact you regarding a book that my mom and I have written and was just released a few days ago.

    My Zany Life: Growing Up in a Rooming House

    Book description:

    Ever wonder what it would be like to live in a rooming house? Has the piping-hot real estate market got you calculating tenants into your mortgage repayment plan? Then read on, as our heroine describes her memories of growing up in her family’s rooming house in a swanky West Toronto neighborhood, surrounded by a cast of eccentric characters.
    Many people think it’s tragic to grow up in a poor neighborhood, but the author assures us it is equally tragic growing up in a rich neighborhood, when you are poor.

    Together, a mother and a daughter gather their memories of a life full of happiness, sadness, and many hilarious moments, proving that hindsight not only is 20/20, but can also turn calamity into comedy.

    The book takes us back in history to a small village in Croatia where her mother is introduced to a 1964 Ford Galaxy XL that has followers, stalkers, and even worshippers. Then she meets the man behind the wheel, and what ensues proves that reality actually is stranger than fiction.

    This book will make you laugh, will make you cry, and will teach you that despite the sadness we all must face, the overall result can be a happy life. May it help you live life to the fullest with friends and family while you can, knowing that “time really is of the essence.”

    ​Author bio​​​​:
    Anica Blažanin was born in Croatia. More than five decades ago, she left her village of Mučna Reka, meaning “Sickening River,” for Canada with two battered, borrowed suitcases and a dream.

    Her life abroad was far from what she had envisioned. Regardless, she proves that despite life not always delivering what we’d dreamed of, we can still be very happy.

    Ivanka Di Felice owes her life to a 1964 Ford Galaxy XL. Her heritage proves that on occasion, reality is stranger than fiction. She was born in Toronto, Canada, and grew up poor in a rich neighborhood. She is 39 years and several months old but is no longer counting.

    In her quest for sanity, she decided never to own a rooming house.

    ​​​​Thanks so very much for your time. If you are not interested please hit the delete button and forgive me for sending this. 😁

    Best regards,
    Ivanka Di Felice and Anica Blažanin

    p.s. I have also written A Zany Slice of Italy and A Zany Slice of Tuscany

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